"sustainable cork decking since 2013"

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MarineCork in Cannes and Genoa in September 2024

MarineCork will be present at the upcoming boat shows in September: the Cannes
Yachting Festival from the 10th to the 15th, and the Genoa Boat Show from the 19th to the
24th. These two important events for the yachting world will provide an opportunity to
experience firsthand the direction in which recreational boating is heading and how the
theme of sustainability is becoming a priority.

At the Cannes Yachting Festival, MarineCork will take center stage aboard the Seadeck 7
by Azimut, one of the most anticipated and prestigious boats at the event. This yacht, a
symbol of luxury, sustainability, and innovation, will offer the opportunity to understand how
natural resources can ensure comfort, elegance, and performance while enhancing the
beauty of the design. MarineCork will also be featured on other notable projects, including
several next-generation catamarans, demonstrating our versatility and ability to adapt to
various types of boats.

The Genoa Boat Show is a regular appointment for our MarineCork. Here, we will have the
opportunity to meet yacht owners, shipyards, and sea enthusiasts who have chosen us
and share our vision of a more sustainable future for boating. Our team will showcase the
latest applications of MarineCork, showing how this solution, born from a deep knowledge
of cork and boating, can improve the comfort and performance of boats while reducing
environmental impact.

We invite all interested parties to visit our stands at both fairs to discover how MarineCork
is revolutionizing the boating world. We will be pleased to discuss your specific needs and
how our innovative solutions can contribute to the success of your projects.
We look forward to seeing you in Cannes and Genoa to explore together the endless
possibilities offered by MarineCork.

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